Teagol was tragically taken from us the week before last. Run over by a fire engine on the road below us. Thankfully killed instantly. The poor fireman where she came out on the road, would of not seen her until to late. I am so sorry that this happened to him.
I found her just minutes after it had happened with my children. Nothing prepares you for finding a loved one like that. I pass her grave each day buried beside her Grandmother and Great Grandmother finding it hard to believe she is gone. Hence the time I have taken to come on here and say anything. Beautiful Teagol, Feisty Teagol, Motherly Teagol. Forever my cover girl Teagol.
Roxy left us last Saturday with Jon, Debbie and their daughter Evie to start her life in Southampton with them. I wish them all the best with Roxy.
Got this update for Sidney about a week ago. He is from Ernest and Rosie's litter of eleven puppies. "Hi Jane, Sidney continues to make good progress and we absolutely adore him. He is a real live wire and sometimes has trouble stopping! We are working on that and periodically put him in his crate for a nap. Luckily he settles quickly. Not so much in his playpen which inexplicably he hates even though he has more room. Even with lots of chews, toys and puzzles he will not settle and absolutely SCREAMS!! It is still very much a work in progress for those occasions when he will need to be left on his own for an hour or two, but we are persevering. He is amazing at night, settles without a whimper and sleeps through without accidents until at least 6. He is still tiny, although has a good appetite. He seems to be growing upwards with long legs. Typical puppy really. We are amazed at how quickly he learns things, although has a very short attention span before he's racing off after something else! Again, this will all come with time. Once he has had his second jab we will be enrolling him in puppy classes which I am sure he will enjoy. Hawtrey still finding him a bit much, but is very patient and hopefully they will become chums once Sidney stops swinging off his ears! I am attaching a few photos so that you can see his progress. I hope all is well with you and yours. It must seem a quieter house now that the pups have gone to their new homes. Only Roxy left. I expect you will be sad to see her go." "Hello Pauline,
Thanks for the update and the photos. Lovely to put a face to Hawtrey. Sidney was a bit of a livewire with us. He loved running around and around our lawn. Just Roxy until Saturday. She has fitted right in and keeping one a bit longer like this does pull on the heart strings harder when they leave. Hope you are all coping with the heat. Kind regards Jane x" Lovely bit of video (below) of Rosie playing with her only remaining pup Roxy. Roxy leaves us this Saturday for Southampton. Really hot here in the UK at the moment. So be very careful with our canine companions. Remember the two Ds "Dawn and Dusk". That is the time you should be out and about with your dog for any length of time when things are as hot as they are now. Just as I was closing down my laptop last night in come an update for Barnaby on his 5th Birthday. Barnaby is Harley, Bertha and Sasha's litter sibling from Henry and Primrose's litter of puppies. "Hi Jane,
I hope you, family and the pack are well. We just wanted to send you a photo on Barnaby’s 5th Birthday. He continues to be a wonderful family dog and we feel so lucky to have had him over this past year to keep us company at home and encourage us to get out and about and enjoy the beautiful countryside. He still loves a ball but not so keen on swimming-if we all go in the sea, he will come out and try to herd us safely back to shore! Best Wishes, Georgina and family" Just looking for something else on my blog and found this photo of Ernest (below) from five years ago.
Contacted Lynda about contacting Pauline who has Sidney (litter sibling to Ruby) and lives reasonably close to her and got a lovely update for Ted from Puddin' and Teagol's litter of seven pups and Ruby who is from Ernest and Rosie's litter of eleven puppies. "Hi Jane
Thanks for forwarding contact details for Sidney and I don’t mind you giving out my email to any of the other pup families I have been amazed by Teds reaction to Ruby as I expected having to maybe feed separately as he has always been very food motivated but I’m so pleasantly surprised to see them tucking in together tails wagging. They are already so devoted to each other and play & chase each other round both house and garden and Ted has been so patient even when she’s is hanging off his ears or endlessly wanted him to play and chewing his face. Then they curl up together to sleep. so I have to say it has been easier than we both anticipated and also helped by the fact that Ruby appears to be a very confident little pup so not put off by Ted being so much bigger when playing and we have been so proud of how Ted has taken to her and really loves her being with him. When I take Ted out for his usual walk he has to check her out thoroughly on our return and they both go into a frenzy of tail wagging and mouthing each other as if they haven’t seen each other for days Thank you so much for our two bundles of fun! Best Wishes Lynda x" Lovely update for Iris, who is settling in well with her new human and canine family members. Iris is from Ernest and Rosie's litter of eleven puppies. "Good morning Jane
Hope you are all keeping well. Just a quick update on Iris. We can’t believe how quickly she has settled in. Iris is such a happy little thing, cheeky, fun, affectionate. She is eating very well, great appetite. She has now had her first injection, our vet had no concerns, she thought she was a lovely healthy pup. Iris is getting along so well with Mabel and Lily, they have shown no signs of being stressed, we couldn’t have hoped for anything better. She has taken a liking to our chickens, she thinks they are great fun!!! I think the chickens would disagree, that’s a work in progress I’ve attached a photograph of all 3 having a snooze. Take care, best wishes Andy & Pam x" Got an email from Elly about Missy and concerns about a small red bump that had developed on her eyelid. Elly is from Ernest and Rosie's litter of eleven puppies. "Hi Jane, I hope you're well. Missy seems very happy at home and loves to sit on my feet while I'm working, gnawing away at a toy. I just have a quick question I wanted to ask you. I noticed a small red bump develop on Missy's lower eyelid yesterday and despite cleaning it with a warm compress last night it is still there today. It looks like a cyst or a stye (pics attached). I have a vet appointment booked in on Tuesday for her but welcome any advice you might have in the meantime - is this something any of your pups have had? Thanks very much in advance for the advice. Best wishes, Elly" "Hello Elly, Wow, she looks so much like her Dad. That looks like a cyst/stye. You can get them from time to time. Keep doing the warm compress about three times (a warm wet brewed chamomile tea bag makes a good eye compress) a day and let your vet take a look at it on Tuesday. It might burst and be on the mend by then. If it gets worse and starts to irritate her, it might be good to see a vet earlier. Cysts on their eyelids are reasonably common and often get better with just using a compress on the eye. It can be an injury (little scratch) or a follicle has become slightly infected. I wouldn't get too worried about it. They normally take around two to five days to head and burst and then start to heal. Sometimes they don't burst but start to go. They can last for a week or two in some cases. As I said before though, if it looks to be getting worse and irritating her, especially if the eye becomes red and discharging, get her to the vet sooner than Tuesday. Hope this helps. Kind regards Jane" "Hi Jane, Thanks very much for this - really useful advice. I made the mistake of googling it and got all sorts of worrying answers! I will try the chamomile tea bag as you suggest and hope it clears up in the next couple of days. I also think Missy looks a lot like her dad - her facial markings look very similar! Attaching some more photos so you can see. Thanks very much again :) Best wishes, Elly" "She is very cute and the spit of her Dad. Thanks for the photos. Jane x" Then Tuesday evening remembered Missy had been to the vet, so emailed Elly. "Hello Elly, Just wondering how Missy's eye is? Just remembered you were going to the vets today and just wanted to know that all is okay. Kind regards Jane" "Hi Jane,
Missy is all well now - thanks for asking! It was just a little stye which has now pretty much disappeared after a few days of putting chamomile tea bags on it, as you suggested. The vet said today it was probably just a stye too and wasn't concerned. Missy has now had her second vaccine and we're counting down the days until we can take her on her first walk! Everyone at the vets commented on how lovely she was, and she's already got a fan club in our neighbourhood. Will keep you updated on any developments. Elly x" Ruth contacted me a little while ago as she was having issues with getting Pablo to settle when left on his own. I rung her and had a chat and put her in contact with Lisa, who has Tucker, who has uses an Animal Behaviourist and has had a similar issue with Tucker. Pablo is from Ernest and Blottie's litter of ten puppies again. He is a half brother to Tucker, as they share the same Mum Blottie. "Thank you Jane, for calling me and for passing my email to Lisa. It was really great to chat to you, you’ve given me some really helpful advice. Here’s an up to date picture of Pablo for you and a video of him jumping for joy at finding a stick. He really is so lovely. Many thanks again, Ruth" This bit of video (below) that Ruth sent me, does make me smile. So a couple weeks went past and I emailed Ruth to find out how things are going. "Hello Jane, thanks for your email. I hope you’re well. We got a Behaviourist in and she thinks instead of isolation anxiety, Pablo gets anxious being confined and is hyper-attached to me. So we’ve ditched the crate and the pen for the time being, and Pablo now sleeps in the playroom. The first night he protested a lot, less on the second night, and from the third night he did not bark at all and just fell asleep. I am back in my own bed and we are all happier getting a lot more sleep. I started from scratch with leaving him alone during the day, building up slowly from 30 seconds so he doesn’t get stressed, and he can now do 4.5 minutes. I’m also doing very slow crate-training in the day so he is still used to it but not stressed by it, in case he absolutely needs to be in the crate in future (at the vets or to recuperate at all). Pablo and I met up with Lisa and Tucker on Friday, it was great to meet them and get some advice from her. Pablo and Tucker enjoyed a nice long muddy walk in the park and they got on well. I’ve attached a picture of them, tired out while we enjoyed a coffee after the walk. I was surprised to see that at 7 months Pablo is already bigger than Tucker, I think Pablo takes after the Brittany slightly more than the Cavalier. Thanks for checking in on us, it was great to talk to you a couple of weeks ago and you really helped me get the ball rolling with making improvements to our situation. Hope you’re well and enjoying a slight break after most of Rosie’s puppies have left for their new homes. All the best, Ruth x" "Hello Ruth,
Really good to hear that things are going the right way again and that you have met up with Lisa and Tucker. Tucker, although the same Mum, has a pure Cavalier Dad Casper. So he is 3/4 Cavalier unlike Pablo who has only 5/8 Cavalier. Tucker has two litter siblings Eddie and Alfie who dwarf him. Tucker was one of the smaller pups in the litter when he left us. In the photo with Tucker, Pablo's expression is very much like his pure Cavalier Grandmother Smudge, but with more length to cranium and muzzle. She was always a gentle, happy dog. Thanks for updating me Jane x" Lovely update for Laika, who is from Ernest and Blottie's litter of ten puppies again. "Dear Jane We hope you and your family are all well! We've loved watching Rosie and her puppies over the past few weeks. It already seems like an eternity since Laika was at that stage and we can hardly imagine life without her now. Laika is such a lovely girl. Over the months, she's gone through the usual puppy stages but recently she's become much calmer and more settled at home. She absolutely adores her walks, and enthusiastically pursues the larger birds such as crows and magpies. She has recently discovered squirrels, but hasn't yet realised that they can climb trees, so runs round and round the base of the tree, looking for them. Surprisingly for a spaniel, she doesn't like water. I think this is because she toppled into a nearby pond a couple of months ago. She was fine, but since then she's regarded any body of water larger than her drinking bowl with deep suspicion. However, she doesn't mind going for a walk in the rain, which is handy because we've had rather a wet spring and summer so far. She is very good with other dogs. She has a definite preference for dogs of a similar size to her, and will tend to sit down and assess larger dogs for a few moments, before approaching them. She has a best friend in our neighbours' cockapoo, and they will play together tirelessly. They have even been known to dig under the fence to get to each other! We have put heavy potted plants along that fence now, as we don't want the patter of little paws! Apart from when she's playing Juliet to next door's Romeo, she's very good at home. She likes to lie in a patch of sun in the living room, or in the garden, with her legs stretched out behind her like a spatchcock chicken. If we are watching TV, she loves to snuggle up next to us on the sofa with a chew. She is fascinated by our cat, and always wants to make friends (unfortunately for poor Laika, the cat does not reciprocate these feelings). They both enjoy eating each other's food - and sometimes only the other's food, in Laika's case. She still isn't terribly interested in her own food but I find that as long as I don't offer the same type of food for two consecutive meals, she will usually eat it. However, she seems healthy, has loads of energy, and weighs 7.5kg, so I think she's eating enough. She is completely house-trained, sleeps all night through in the kitchen, and knows lots of basic commands: fetch (a favourite of hers), sit, stay, no, where's the sausage (another favourite), drop, wee-wee. Her recall is great on walks (but not quite so great on coming in from the garden!). She has a mischievous streak (sock thief!), but that just adds to her charm, and overall she’s been a very good girl so far (I'm expecting the "teenager stage" to kick in any day now!) and she fits in with the whole family so well. She even did a long drive up to Yorkshire at the end of May, and just slept on my daughter's lap for almost the whole journey. Thank you for breeding such a wonderful little dog - we all love her dearly. With best wishes Amanda and family" Sarah sent me today, 5th Birthday greeting for Harley's three litter siblings Barnaby, Bertha and Sasha. Harley is from Henry and Primrose's litter of puppies. "Hi Jane (& family), I hope you’re all well? I’ve enjoyed keeping up to date with all the goings on at Poundlane this year via your blog. All the puppies have looked gorgeous - big litters as well, you must be proud of your girls for being such brilliant Mums? I was interested to read about your converted caravan venture too. That looks fabulous - so quirky and fun, perhaps Harley and I will come to stay one day. I wish you well with that anyway. So another year has passed and Harley is 5 today! It’s hard to believe. Happy Birthday to Sasha and Bertha - I hope they’re still well? Also birthday wishes to Barnaby! Harley is still a super little dog, my best friend indeed. We’re still doing agility lessons every week and he absolutely loves it - he very often doesn’t want to leave the field at the end of our lesson. He’s so fast over a course and so smart at picking new things up. We did some work on the see-saw this week which we haven’t done for some time and Harley was absolutely fearless on it. He impresses me every day and I’m so proud of him picking up his training and games so fast. He’s part of the furniture at daycare now and stills seems to enjoy it, although 3 days a week is definitely enough for him there now. My parents are both retired, so they love looking after him if I work any extra days. A good friend also shares Harley-sitting if needed (there’s a bit of demand to Harley-sit!) and Harley adores her and her 7yr old Finnish Lappund. Harley has definitely become pickier about the dogs he’s happy to spend time with and really doesn’t like dogs he doesn’t know coming anywhere near me. He is also not very tolerant of puppies, but as I know this, I try not to put him in situations where it might cause a problem. He has his behaviours that still aren’t perfect, but we still work on those - barking at cars going by my house can be an issue, but that varies day to day. Overall he’s just a super boy though and I love him to bits! He’s definitely become happier to have more cuddles as he’s got older - which is lovely. He adores children and is a big hit with all the children that live on my road - they flock to him if they see us going on a walk and Harley is so good with them and absolutely loves all the attention they give him. I’ve attached some photos so you can see what a handsome boy he is. I still get so many comments saying what a lovely looking dog he is and he still gets mistaken for a puppy sometimes! We’re looking forward to a break in Cornwall later in the year (this is the third postponement so fingers crossed it’ll be third time lucky) so I’m looking forward to re-introducing Harley to the beach and the sea and having a real change of scene. Sending best wishes to you, your family and all the dogs. I’ll be thinking of Primrose today, thanking her for being such a great Mum to my boy. Thanks as always to you as well for giving Harley the very best start in life (& to Henry for his part too!) All the best, Sarah and Harley xx" "Hello Sarah, Lovely as always to hear from you and another year has passed. Have attached some photos of Bertha and Sasha (below), I took this afternoon. Both of them are very well in themselves. Fingers crossed that you finally get to your holiday in Cornwall. Love from us all at Poundlane Jane x" Just Roxy left with us now of Rosie's pups and she leaves us on the 24th, so a little more time to enjoy her company. She has settled really well to sleeping overnight on her own in her crate and she has had four trips in the car which she was a little worried about to start with, but has soon settled to the routine of travelling in the car. She's met the window cleaner, postman and today met one of our children's bosses when I picked them up from work. She also seems to like water. This evening coming in rather wet, after following one of our children around as they watered the veg garden with the hose. Lovely update for Oscar who only left us a week ago Oscar leaves us "Hi Jane,
Hope you are all enjoying a slightly quieter house and not missing the 10 pups too much. Oscar has had quite a week. After a day or so of being a bit clingy, he has really started to develop his personality and not a day goes by where he doesn’t have us in fits of laughter with his madcap antics. He had his first trip to the vet for checkup and vaccine and coped very well. He has also had several visitors, been for carry “walks”, and a car ride to visit Graeme’s elderly parents. He has been so calm when meeting strangers and totally charmed my mother-in-law, sitting sweetly on her lap. He loves his cuddles and is never happier than when snoozing on one of us. Of course, it’s not all been plain sailing, we still have some work to do on toileting and he does have a tendency to get a bit fixated on me which we are trying to address. Interestingly, I played your latest video from the blog the other day whilst within earshot of Oscar and he went ballistic! The sound of your voice was just too much, bless him. Overall, he’s made marvellous progress; eating well, sleeping all night in his crate and is full of beans. Sending best wishes Lynn & Graeme" At the end of May we had a visit from Lisa and Tom with Tucker. Tucker is from Casper and Blottie's litter of nine little Blenheim pups born March 2019. Whilst on the visit we spoke about the last two litters leaving us and starting up a WhatsApp group for each litter. Lisa mentioned that she would be interested in being in contact with Tucker's litter siblings or even any Poundlane pup past or present. Maybe even one day having some sort of get together. Lisa lives in the London area. So if anyone who has one of our dogs, would be interested in getting in contact with Lisa drop me a line first at [email protected] and I will get you in contact with each other. "Hi Jane, How are you? It was lovely to get to stop by during our holiday. My thanks to you and your family for hosting us, and for the scone and tea. We enjoyed the rest of our time in the area, visiting Heddon's Mouth / Woody Bay, walking around the area by the Tarr Steps, and the woods near the cottage we stayed at by Minehead. The only downer to our otherwise pleasant holiday was having to remove ticks from Tucker's coat during and after our walks. Luckily he's good at tolerating us fussing over him to check we've got them all. The vast majority were removed before they could bite, but they did get him a few times (all removed within a short time, I think, so hopefully minimal risk). I am curious to know what you think the best removal method is, as there seems to be quite the debate about twisting them versus a slow and steady pull on the attachment point? We have some specialised tweezers that work well. Also curious if you, or anyone with a Poundlane dog, has had particular success with any given anti-tick treatment? We use NexGard Spectra every month, but clearly that didn't work as any sort of repellant. We tried a Soresto collar when Tucker was a teen, but it irritated him so we stopped after a month or two. Hopefully back in London now, it won't be as much of an issue, though we do countryside walks on the weekend. It'd be helpful to know your thoughts, and anyone else's if they've had a good experience with a particular product or strategy. Thank you again for making time for us during your weekend. (And I do hope the grass is already growing back!) Best wishes, Lisa, Tom and Tucker" "Hello Lisa,
It was really good to see you both and catch up with you and Tucker. He is a lovely dog and I was pleased to see how he has developed into a nicely balanced spaniel structurally. Have attached a photo (taken from the internet) of the tool I have found best for removing ticks. I find the twisting method less likely to leave the head of the tick still in the dog, even with the smallest ticks you might find attached. A vet gave me a couple of these hooks several years ago. As for best treatments to put on your dog to stop ticks. Unfortunately, the more effective treatments often are more likely to cause a reaction because these are pesticides we are putting on our pets, most are pesticides that started off being used to control pest infestations on crops and are now banned for that use. Whatever you use, if you take a dog into long grass etc in times when there are a lot of ticks around. They are going to get a few ticks on them. That will mostly either jump off or die in a few hours after getting on a dog that is treated. Nothing instantly kills them. The level of pesticide you would have to put on your dog to discourage ticks totally would not be good for the dog. A more gentler way of trying to stop ticks alighting on your dog can be by using things that the smell of them is known to be repellent to ticks. Lavender, peppermint, citronella, lemongrass, cedar, rose geranium and citrus have all been shown to be repellent to ticks. You can get most of these in a spray form, which you can either spray on a cloth and rub over Tucker or directly spray him before you go for a walk in an area you know he is likely to pick ticks up from. Also using a dog shampoo with one or more of these natural repellants in them might help. Might be an idea to invest in a human nit comb. They are ideal for running over a dog after a walk to remove any unwanted passengers before they get attached. Hope this is of some help. Kind regards Jane" A lovely update for Dotty, which did come to me sometime ago. Dotty is from Ernest and Blottie's litter of ten again. "Hi Jane, I have just been looking at your blog, I can see you are at a very busy stage with Rosie’s puppies. It takes me back to when you told us we would be able to have Dotty! It was such amazing news. Dotty is really well, she has just been for her 6 month check. She has remained quite small, only 5.7kg now - but she eats well and has heaps of energy. Our friends say she is the happiest dog they know! Sorry these are not the best pics but we thought you and your family would like to see her and how beautiful she is now. She and both girls are best friends and she has Lewis and I wrapped round her little paws too! Love Susy and family x" Only Roxy now left of Rosie's pups and she leaves us in a couple weeks. Her family our visiting her again on Saturday though. Tilly left us yesterday to live with Helen and Charlie in Somerset. Helen let me know they got home safely and how Tilly was settling in with an email and photos. "Tilly settles in Hi Jane We wanted to catch you up with Tilly’s progress since lunchtime! She’s being absolutely wonderful! A few little cries such as in the car when she finished her chew and suddenly wondered where she was ! Since then lots of exploring, games and snoozing ! We are loving having her in her new home Love Helen and Charlie x" In the video I refer to Henry as Tilly's Granddad. Which he is not. Forgive me I was just having a brain fart moment. Podgy Oscar left us yesterday to live with Lynn and her family in Berkshire, and she let me know how his first day in Berkshire was going. "Oscar’s first day
Hi Jane, Just a very quick message to let you know that we had a very smooth journey home with Oscar. He whimpered for a couple of minutes and then conked out, just like you said, sleeping for the full 3 hour journey and waking up 5 minutes from home. What a star! He pee’d and pooped, had a lovely time romping around the garden and is now fast asleep again. Thanks again for everything, you’ve made a young man (and all of us) very happy Will send a further update once he’s had a chance to settle in. Kind regards Lynn" Just three of Rosie's pups with us now and Oscar leaves us tomorrow Lovely 8th Birthday update for Darcey. Which I have taken rather a shamefully long time to put up on the website. Thanks for the update Karen. Always lovely to hear from you and how Darcey is getting along. Darcey is our Treacle's litter sibling, from Reggie and Dolly's litter born the 14th June 2013. Happy belated 8th Birthday to Darcey and her litter siblings Molly, Pippa, Dotty, Dex, Darcy (without an e), Sasha and our Treacle. Hope your families and you are all well. "Hi Jane and everyone at pound lane!
Well somehow Darcey is 8! She’s doing so well and following a change of diet and some super strength vitamins - has reverted to being a puppy! She is also losing weight which has resolved her touch of arthritis and has no other health issues. She is still chasing rabbits and squirrels and shows no sign of slowing down! We love looking at the new puppy pics and just know that the new families are getting an out of the ordinary dog. Much love Karen, Neil and carys And of course Darcey and Milo xxxx" Lovely update for Possum who left us last weekend. "Hi Jane, Sorry, I know the others have already sent pics etc but it has been a whirlwind week helping Possum settle in. She is doing really well and certainly hit the ground running … and running. She is so full of energy she is definitely keeping us on our toes. She is very clever and has already learned how to sit, lie and drop the ball/toy and brings it back for me to throw again. I have attached some pics of Possum’s first week with us as I know everyone likes to see how the pups are getting on. All the best Polly, Ian and Possum" |
![]() Active, sporting, sound little spaniels
Click on this link The POUNDLANE Spaniel to view our main website Contacting usAt the moment we have an issue with our new landline. If you want to contact me at this time you can email me at [email protected]
Click HERE to know what our facebook page is for. “Humans are aware of very little, it seems to me, the artificial brainy side of life, the worries and bills and the mechanisms of jobs, the doltish psychologies we've placed over our lives like a stencil. A dog keeps his life simple and unadorned.” Brad Watson, Last Days of the Dog-Men: Stories
AuthorWelcome to this blog. I am Jane, a hobby breeder, situated in North Devon, England, UK (map at bottom of page ,shows where we are) on a quest to breed a healthier small spaniel similar to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Archives
June 2023
Why I don't export AT POUNDLANE
Our breeding dogs are multi generational extensively health tested. With all our breeding stock having recommended and relevant DNA tests for their breed/breeds. We also have breeding stock annually eye examined on the BVA Hereditary Eye Disease Scheme for dogs, MRI scanned on the BVA scheme using the BVA chiari malformation /syringomyelia breeding protocol, and heart examined using The Kennel Club Heart Scheme for Cavalier King Charles breeding protocol |