Teagol (above) enjoys the sunshine this morning on the patio, as she approaches 8 weeks pregnant. As the pups take up more room it gets harder for Teagol to find a comfortable place, especially when they are moving about. The first bit of video (below) my daughter, Florrie got, as I had asked her to sit with Teagol for a while in the quietness of my bedroom to check the pups were moving around. At this stage you should be regularly checking for movement and keeping an eye on any discharge from a bitches vulva. Some clear or whitish discharge at this stage is normal, anything else like blood stained or a thick dark discharge, veterinary advice should be sought. Florrie certainly caught the pups moving and you won't need to rewind a couple times to see it now. The second bit of video (below) I took of Teagol, as I came back indoors and asked Florrie how things were going and she had excitedly shown me her bit of footage. Teagol's expression in the second bit of video. I think anyone who's ever been pregnant will empathise with. There are two distinct phases during the development of the puppy during gestation. The first is embryogenesis during which all future organs come into place. Eyelids appear at 32 days, fusing of the palate at 33 days and differentiation of toes at 35 days. At the end of this phase, the pups are not very big, although most structures are in place and all organs have started to develop. At this stage the embryo becomes a fetus and under observation it can be recognised as a canine fetus. The second phase is the puppy gaining weight. Three-quarters of a puppy's weight at birth will of been gained after the 40th day of it's gestation.
A slideshow (below) of Teagol yesterday now looking heavily pregnant now at around 52 days pregnant. Gestation for a bitch is on average 63 days, but they can come as early as 56 days. We are starting to enter the zone of keeping a close watch on Teagol. Had an update for Flossie a few days ago (as she had her first annual booster jabs at the vets) from Christel. There also was a bit of video of her, but unfortunately I can't load it up on here. Flossie is one of Casper and Blottie's nine little Blenheim pups. Flossie is the pup we had with Juvenile Cellulitis (Puppy Strangles) last year. "Hi, I hope all is well with you all and that Teagol’s pregnancy is going well.
Flossie had her booster yesterday. She is well, weighs 12 kg and stands at 15 inches at the shoulder. She enjoys life, recall isn’t great, especially when following a scent. But I suppose that’s spaniel. She’s getting better at ‘stay’ command. She has the run of the garden and a big area in the wilderness area behind the house, which is fenced off. When out of my sight, she’s never gone more than 10 minutes before she comes racing back. She always needs to find me. Perhaps a bit like Lottie is with you? Love to you all from Christel and Flossie x" Over the weekend we got the labour ward up and ready for Teagol and she has been making herself at home in it. We also started being able to see her pups moving. The couple bits of video (below) I caught of her resting in the whelping box, hopefully you will see her pups moving. It might take a couple rewinds to see what we are getting excited about. Yesterday, Teagol was lying quietly in the arm chair, so I just slipped my hand against her tummy with my finger tips cupped in towards her groin and I felt it. A puppy's limb gently tapped my finger tip. I looked up at my daughter, Florrie (Teagol is her dog) and said, "I can feel her pups moving." She laughed and thought, I was just thinking I felt something. So I beckoned her to put her hand where mine had felt the pup move. She did, and then she felt it, and smiled like a Cheshire cat. Anyone would of thought it was the first time we had ever felt a pup move at this stage, how excited we became by it. Excitement though, that also brings a little anxiousness that all goes well for Teagol and her pups being born. Teagol is now nearly 7 weeks pregnant and slowing up as she blossoms. Her milk bars are starting to appear and everything at this stage seems as it should be. She is struggling to eat a great deal as her intestine's space is reduced by the growing pups inside her. So she is now on 4 small meals a day, one being scrambled egg, which she always seems to be able to find room for, often now with a big eggy belch after the last mouthful. The video (below) is from yesterday after we had felt her pups moving for the first time. In just 24 hours from feeling that first movement, we are feeling lots of movement in her tummy now and you can feel the outline of pups pushed against the wall of her abdomen. These are all good signs and signals that the pups are most likely from an earlier mating than a later one. Was sent this lovely photo (below) a few days ago of the two Archies. The Archie on the right is from Reggie and Primrose's four pups born September 2012 and the Archie on the left is from Reggie and Smudge's nine pups born April 2012. I hope I have got that right. Forgive me if I have not. "Hi Jane!
We bumped into the other Archie today amd thought you would like to see this photo! They are always very excited to see each other ! What gorgeous boys they are! Hope all is well with you and we are excited to see the next litter ! Take care and with love, Angie xxx" There is no mistaking now, that Teagol is pregnant and as she heads towards what I consider seven weeks pregnant, each evening as she rests, I gentle place a hand against her abdomen waiting to feel movement of her pups. The size of Teagol at this stage makes me think she has taken from an earlier mating than a later one or she is carrying a large litter or both. Unfortunately we have been unable to pregnancy scan as we normally do, due to the restrictions at this time due to Covid 19. Which would of given us a better idea of conception timing and how many she is carrying. Although in the past, I have been more accurate from palpation than a vet scanning them.
She will be this Saturday coming, seven weeks from her first mating. As a bitch approaches seven weeks pregnant you should start to feel movement and as they approach eight weeks you should start to see the pups moving. The larger the litter the bitch is carrying the more movement will be felt and seen. ![]() We always keep a few chicken about the place and the girls we have now are one old Rhode Island Red and 8 girls we got at Point of lay (POL) Spring 2019 that are Rhode Island Red/Light Sussex and they have been eggtastic during lockdown providing 6 to 9 eggs a day. Bumble looks on as I collected this mornings eggs. Put this up on my blog a couple years ago. Looking for something this morning on my blog found it and thought it needed sharing again. Teagol from her dates mated with Puddin' is anything from 35 to 38 days pregnant. From the photos (above) compared with the photos of her on the blog Teagol at two and a half years old taken three weeks ago, when she would of been around a couple weeks pregnant. We can see that she is blossoming. A distinct rounding of her abdomen can now be seen. The video (below) is Teagol rolling on my bed this morning, reminiscent her Mum Blottie when she was pregnant with her. And yesterday a 4th Birthday update also came in for Harley's brother Barnaby. Barnaby is from Henry and Primrose's litter. Harley and Barnaby are litter siblings to our two Bertha and Sasha. "Hi Jane, Just sending 4th birthday greetings from Barnaby. He continues to be a wonderful family dog and has had to act as friend and playmate to my kids during lockdown. My youngest son has spent many happy hours teaching him to roll and play dead among other tricks! Hope you, family and the pack are all well. Best Wishes, Georgina" 4th Birthday update for Harley came in yesterday from Sarah. Harley is from Henry and Primrose's litter "Dear Jane, I hope you & the family are keeping well and have been managing in these strange times? I’ve been very grateful to have Harley there when I get home from work keeping a sense of normality for me & keeping me company. I was so sorry to read of Primrose’s passing recently, she was such a great Mum to Harley and was a lovely girl when I met her. I thought I would send birthday greetings to Harley’s siblings today! I can’t believe he is 4 already, where has that time gone? It certainly doesn’t seem that long ago that I saw on your blog he’d been born. I hope Bertha & Sasha are still well? They look lovely dogs when I’ve seen photos of them. Do you hear from Barnaby’s family at all? I’ve attached a couple of photos of Harley for you. He’s a lovely dog, he knows his own mind and thinks he’s braver than he is, but is very loving towards his favourite people! My new neighbours have two cats which torment Harley! He is always desperate to chase/play with them but doesn’t seem to take the hint that they’re not interested. One has knocked him on the nose under the gate and they’ve both arched their backs and hissed at him, but he’s still as keen as ever and will sit on the doorstep watching for them when we get back from walks (photo attached!). We had a few trips to the vets last month when Harley was very sad and lame with a swollen paw. A course of antibiotics & painkillers settled things though and he’s been fine since. It was the first time I’ve needed to see the vet with him other than for routine checks, he’s generally a very well boy. His daycare was closed for 3 months from March. I was in a panic as working at the hospital, I was still having to go in every day so had thought Harley would have to go to my parents, which would’ve meant I wouldn’t have seen him for all that time. Thankfully, a friend who lives two doors from me said that she’d kindly look after Harley for me. Harley gets on very well with her dog and I think they had a brilliant time. He’s back at daycare now though and by all accounts it was as if he’d never been away! We’ve been doing agility for about a year now & we both really enjoy it. I’ve missed not being able to go over the last few months. Harley is so super enthusiastic running over the jumps and takes every new obstacle we try in his stride, I’ve been really impressed with him. I have to work really hard to keep his focus & stop his nose leading him off course, but we have lots of fun! His recall is still a bit hit and miss. He can be really responsive and lull me into thinking we’ve cracked it & then he gets a sniff and is off running & turns deaf. I’ve accepted that I’m not going to change this so generally have him on a longer lead when we’re out and let him run when we’re in enclosed areas. He seems happy enough and I keep working on the recall! It would break my heart if he ran off & got lost though. Retrieving is coming along though - as long as there is food involved at the end!! He’s definitely food motivated rather than toy motivated. Wishing you the best of luck with Teagol’s litter, I look forward as always to seeing the pups grow. All the best to you, your family and all the dogs. Thanks as always for Harley! Take care Love Sarah and Harley xx" Reggie will be 10 years old in December. Remember Reggie (below) the little bouffant boy when I got him. He has the most intense eyes.
I moved our armchair Sunday morning, so it now gets the morning sunshine, rather than the evening sunshine. Rosie our Brittany/Cavalier girl we brought home nearly two years ago took advantage of the move enjoying the Sunday morning sunshine. |
![]() Active, sporting, sound little spaniels
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Click HERE to know what our facebook page is for. “Humans are aware of very little, it seems to me, the artificial brainy side of life, the worries and bills and the mechanisms of jobs, the doltish psychologies we've placed over our lives like a stencil. A dog keeps his life simple and unadorned.” Brad Watson, Last Days of the Dog-Men: Stories
AuthorWelcome to this blog. I am Jane, a hobby breeder, situated in North Devon, England, UK (map at bottom of page ,shows where we are) on a quest to breed a healthier small spaniel similar to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Archives
June 2023
Why I don't export AT POUNDLANE
Our breeding dogs are multi generational extensively health tested. With all our breeding stock having recommended and relevant DNA tests for their breed/breeds. We also have breeding stock annually eye examined on the BVA Hereditary Eye Disease Scheme for dogs, MRI scanned on the BVA scheme using the BVA chiari malformation /syringomyelia breeding protocol, and heart examined using The Kennel Club Heart Scheme for Cavalier King Charles breeding protocol |